How to keep motivated whilst working from home, unemployed, borium and the like……. Things to consider?

Caterina Potenza
3 min readMar 4, 2021

Motivation is one of the key things whilst working from home, unemployed, guggling kids, having your own space, and the like. The important thing to keep yourself especially if you fit under this category is to be:

a) Being Accountable
b) Taking action and responsibility
c) Being honest with yourself
d) Have challenges and set goals that you want to want to achieve weekly, monthly, quartely or even yearly.
e) Having a support system around you.

Ways you can keep yourself on track, inspired and never be bored by:
a) Setting a goal or challenge that is achievable
b) Put a time and date
c) Let someone know what your current goal & challenge, so you are accountable and also responsible on your action.
d) You also need to breakdown even further in small bites.


This goal or challenge is finding a job and weight loss. Since there are 2 projects going on at once. You are able to break it down with the 2 different category (1. Finding a job) & (2. Weight Loss).

  1. Finding a job
    — Goal is too look on a daily basis.
    — Take at least 2 interviews or more, if you can.
    — Be in a job within a 2 weeks to a month (for example). If that does not successed than you apply the same or similar tacks as earlier.
    — Also go over interview questions, research about the company.
  2. Weight Loss
    — Reasearch on whether you want to go on a weight loss program, PT, schedule a time with a nutritionst, etc.
    — Write down the current goal weight and the goal weight you want to achieve
    - Do any meal prepares or be in a support group that may help you to stay on track.
    — Date when you want to start and date when you want to achieve the goal weight.
    — If you need some more help, listen motivation speaking as in podcasting, youtubes and the like.

Once you have accomplished all your goals and challenges you will be over the moon that you have completed the various goals or projects you have put your mind tips.

Some tips to stay motivated and inspired with you want to achieve:

a) Have a role model, mentor that you look up to.

b) Stay around positive people that believes in you, supports you and see results, great attitude and the like.

c) Keep reviewing your goals and if you require further extension on goals or challenges then extend them. But you can set new goals and challenges.

d) Treat yourself fairly and also reward yourself regularly.

e) Stay focused and determine that you can do this. Believe in yourself as well.

As I end this, I am own critic and realise that I do have take on my own advise because the world is today. As long as we are at peace with ourselves and of each other which allows to grow with confidence, accountability and know that you can achieve that you put your mind to.



Caterina Potenza

lifestyle, inspiration, health and fitness, travel, fashion, etc